Low cost ways to improve your home

Fall in love with your home again without spending money.

Keep it tidy!
OK it’s not always easy to maintain the look of a show-home with family or messy friends, but if you invest one weekend in getting your cupboards and shelves sorted, you’ll find that putting things away becomes a lot easier. Take a look at Seven smart storage solutions.

Use natural light
Rearrange tables and chairs so you can sit nearer to windows or face the light when you’re eating in your kitchen or relaxing in your lounge. Position mirrors on walls where they can reflect light to brighten dark rooms and bring the sun inside.

Create art
Dig out family photos, kids’ paintings or even have a go at sketching something yourself, then revive your walls by replacing old familiar framed posters or pictures with this ‘new’ art, for a fresh, fun look.

Create fine aromas
Coffee, baking, perfume, laundry – all these can generate everyday scents that give you and visitors a real lift. Have a sort through your cupboards to see if you have forgotten furniture polish or home scents then do a quick household clean to get the place smelling gorgeous.

Revive your home accessories
When you’re vacuum cleaning, make sure you give armchairs and sofas a good clean too, puffing up cushions and removing dust and mess. Use pretty sheets and throws to make sitting rooms or spare beds look more homely in a variety of ways, and don’t be afraid to mix up patterns for a more cosy effect.

Savvy tip
Think about the room you’re least happy with in your home, then spend one weekend giving it a blast of your time – tidying, maybe repainting with half a tin of something from the shed, possibly even changing its use (adding a table for a study or putting mess into the attic so there’s room to use it for guests staying over).

Pass it on – garden improvements for free
Check out our ideas for a No-cost garden makeover, too.

Want you home to smell as good as it looks? Febreze Fabric Refresher will quickly eliminate odours to leave your home smelling fresh and guest ready. Find out more