Superman suppers
Many of your kids’ favourite foods are rich in nutrients that help the body relax, repair and re-energise.
Spaghetti Bolognese
Make this family meal with good minced meat (or vegetarian Quorn), tomatoes, chopped onions and garlic. Add herbs to taste.
TOP TIP Use wholewheat spaghetti – it’s low-GI, for longer lasting energy and improving brain performance.
GREAT FOR Protein and antioxidants for body growth and repair, and energy.
Chicken stir-fry with broccoli
This is a really simple and healthy meal idea. Cut chicken breast into strips and do the same with red pepper, broccoli spears and other vegetables. Lightly stir-fry with garlic and pumpkin seeds for a delicious crunchy finish.
TOP TIP Cook accompanying noodles in chicken stock to add flavour.
GREAT FOR Body-repairing protein and nutrients to improve mood. Broccoli is an excellent brain food containing vitamin K to help cognitive function, and pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc for memory and thinking skills.
Grilled salmon
This is a great simple recipe, requiring little preparation but providing plenty of nutrients. Grill salmon drizzled with a little olive oil and lemon for just a few minutes on each side. Serve with greens and small potatoes.
TOP TIP Grill in foil packets with lemon juice and fresh herbs, to avoid mess.
GREAT FOR Salmon is rich in Omega 3 oils for healthy skin and heart, and to aid brain function.
Scrambled eggs on muffins
Mix a little milk with your eggs as you whisk them, before scrambling. Lightly toast halved muffins.
TOP TIP Add a slice of cheese or ham for protein.
GREAT FOR enthusiasm and drive, as eggs improve dopamine production in the brain. Also for serotonin production, for serene and contented moods.
Cauliflower cheese
Steam cauliflower florets and make a light cheese sauce using butter, flour, skimmed milk and grated cheese. Serve with jacket potatoes.
TOP TIP Choose a mature cheddar cheese and you won’t need to use as much.
GREAT FOR Cauliflower is good for choline – excellent for memory. The nutritious sauce is rich in calcium too.