Easy biscuit recipe for kids


Do you want to make a biscuits recipe for kids that is both easy and delicious? If so, then this is the right place for you, especially with Children’s Day coming up! These easy biscuits for kids are delicious, and they can be made in just a few minutes. Plus, they taste great with honey, jam, or chocolate. This could be an excellent way to spend your free Saturday! Why not try breaking the ice by making some biscuits and having a day in together on Children's Day?

Not only will this help build your kids’ confidence in the kitchen, you’ll get some delicious sweet treats too!So, what are you waiting for? Try at least one biscuit recipe for kids today!

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When it comes to home-schooling, it’s easy to focus on the academic subjects like maths, English and science. But kids can learn anywhere – including the kitchen! This is a brilliant butter biscuit recipe that is perfect for cooking with kids – and yummy too! They'll love it!

Ingredients for easy biscuits for kids

250g butter (cut into small pieces, softened)
140g caster sugar
300g sifted plain flour
1 egg yolk
2tsp vanilla extract

Easy biscuit recipe for kids step by step

1. Make the easy biscuit dough

  • Mix the butter and sugar together until it’s really light and fluffy looking.
  • Break the egg and separate the yolk and white, adding the yolk to the butter and sugar mix. Keep the egg white in the fridge, and use it up the next time you’re making an omelette or scrambled eggs.
  • Mix in the vanilla extract.
  • Add half the flour and mix well, then add the rest and mix slowly until you’ve got a nice dough that’s not too wet.
  • Knead the dough into a ball. Leave it in the bowl and put it in the fridge for half an hour to chill.

2. Cut out biscuit shapes

  • Roll out the dough to about the thickness of a pound coin.
  • Cut circles with the rim of a clean cup or use cookie cutters to make shapes.
  • If you want to make more complicated shapes, you’ll find this kind of dough easy to cut however you want with a small sharp knife – but make sure the kids are supervised if they’re doing this.

3. Bake your butter biscuits

  • Grease a baking tray and lay out the biscuits with a little gap between each.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C (gas mark 4) for 12-15 minutes.
  • Don’t forget that they will harden more when they’re cooling so take them out of the oven when they are still a little bit soft.
  • Carefully slide them off the tray and cool on a rack.
  • Decorate each cookie with writing icing and store in an airtight box... if you don’t end up eating them all straight away!

In case you’re running out of ideas on what to cook, check out these recipes for you and your kids to explore!

Are you excited to try these children’s biscuit recipes? What shapes did your kids find interesting? What flavours are their favourite? Could adding chocolate to this recipe be even more appealing?