3 easy steps to de-clutter your world

Thanks to today’s technology many products now have more than one purpose. So you can buy less, get more for your money and save on cupboard space too. Here’s a quick guide to de-clutter your world:

Make everyday life simpler

Take some time out to think about your daily routine. Is there something you can do less of to save time? A good example is emails. Many of us spend hours online and often trail through unnecessary emails. De-clutter your inbox by unsubscribing to newsletters or emails you no longer find useful. But make sure you unsubscribe – if you simply delete them, they’ll just keep coming.

Then set aside one day per month aside to tackle kitchen cupboards, medicine cabinets and make-up drawers. Look out for plastic containers without lids, expired medicines and near-empty make-up containers you haven’t touched in months – there’s no need to hold on to these.

Savvy tip: Cut back on lotions and potions by buying beauty products with more than one purpose, like Olay Regenerist CC Cream. This unique 3-in-1 formula blends serum, SPF 15 moisturiser and sheer foundation.

Clean in chunks

When you’re juggling work, home and family life, it’s not always possible to dedicate whole days to cleaning. So why not assign certain tasks to certain days? For example, make Monday laundry day, Tuesday sewing day and Wednesday floor cleaning day.

Savvy tip: To make cleaning days a little easier, why not try Flash with Febreze? This all-purpose cleaner blends the cleaning power of Flash with the freshness of Febreze.

Sort out the laundry – one load at a time

Start by throwing out old clothes you no longer wear. Be brave – if you haven’t worn a garment in the last year, you’ll probably never wear it again. You can also save time by popping a load of washing on between tasks, like while waiting for food in the oven or running a bath.

Savvy tip: Stock up on laundry products with more than one use, like Ariel 3in1 Pods. Due to its unique 3 chamber design each Pod cleans, lifts stains AND brightens.