What’s causing that itch? Six ways to prevent intimate soreness

Treat your lady parts to a little extra TLC with these steps to tip-top vaginal health

Your vagina gets a rough deal: it rarely sees daylight, has had everyone from doctors to midwives poking around in it, and you’ve probably forgotten what it even looks like since your belly blocked it from your bird’s eye view. Oh, and let’s not forget you’ve even squeezed a mini-human or two out of it.

We think, then, that it deserves a little attention. Plus this will help avoid soreness, discomfort and infections.

Here are the necessary steps to keep your intimate area happy and healthy…

Keep it clean

We know showering has gone from a necessity to a luxury since you’ve had children, but it’s important to wash your lady parts daily.

Wash with warm water using your hands – a sponge or washcloth could hold harmful germs – and avoid using shower gels with a strong fragrance as your skin is more sensitive there.

Only clean externally – your vagina self-cleans internally. If only ovens did the same.

Dry quickly

Keeping your intimate parts clean and dry is important. After swimming or doing sports, remove wet bathing suits or fitness gear promptly.

Shower after a sweaty session, and pat yourself dry with a soft towel.

Choose the right underwear

Wear underwear that’s 100% cotton and wash your delicates with Fairy Non-Bio to avoid any irritation from bleaching enzymes found in bio detergents.

If you suffer from a sensitive bladder – which is common among new mums so don’t worry! – wear Always Discreet pads to lock away leaks and odours.

For more help with this, check out our article on Tried-and-tested tips for dealing with an overactive bladder.

Change your protection regularly

During your period, change your pad or tampon every three to four hours. This will help avoid intimate irritation, such as itching and discomfort, and help prevent odours.

It’s common to be more prone to infection during your period, so for extra comfort try Always Sensitive pads, which have a soft cotton-like top layer and are gentle on delicate skin.

Wear loose clothing

Wearing tight-fitting clothes can get in the way of your natural hygiene. Make sure your knickers aren’t too tight and choose breathable materials, especially when you’re working out.

Check with your doctor

If your vagina is sensitive to the touch, red, swollen and itching, you may have an infection, such as thrush, bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. Visit your doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

What causes intimate discomfort for you? Let us know in the comments section below – it might help someone else figure out what’s causing her soreness.