Simple birthday party themes for kids

Fab kids party ideas and themes for children of all ages.

You don’t have to spend a fortune hiring a clown for your child’s celebrations. Check out these party themes to help to keep the kids entertained and happy.

Kids under 5
Singing circle – For the youngest toddlers, keep a party short and have a simple singing session, sitting on the floor, using actions to bring nursery rhymes to life.

Cuddly safari – Turn your rooms into different lands EG the lounge is a jungle, the hall a desert, a basket in a bedroom is a ‘bear cave’ etc. Invite children to bring their own cuddly toys then have adventures finding the right ‘habitats’ for each animal.
Insect party – Children often love creepy crawlies. Create party games like drawing wings on butterflies while blindfolded, make a ladybird cake (just a regular victoria sponge with lots of red and black icing), and give rubber spiders and wriggly worms as party treats.

Children under 10
Dinosaur party – Organise some party games for the kids, such as  ‘wake the monster’ where the children have to creep up on a grown-up playing a grumpy sleeping dinosaur, serve pizza cut into dino footprint shapes, hide small wrapped prizes in a sandpit to hunt for like fossils.

Hawaiian beach party – This is a fun and simple birthday party idea; cut strips of colourful crepe paper so guests can make their own hula skirts, serve different fruit juices so they can mix mocktails, and play ‘surf challenge’ (who can balance longest on a pole or a cricket bat laid on the ground).

Magic party – For this party theme buy a simple magic trick set and teach groups of children a few tricks each so they can put on a show for each other at the end, play themed games like ‘hunt the white (toy) rabbit’.

Under-13s and teenagers

Murder mystery – Create a story then leave clues around the house, put the kids into two teams and see who can solve the crime first.

Olympic party – Create a sports day in your back garden or at the park, use big gold chocolate coins and ribbon to make medals.

Movie night – Invite a few of your child’s friends over for a film night. Decorate your hallway and lounge according to the theme of the movie to create a ‘secret cinema’ atmosphere, and serve hot dogs and popcorn.