5 rainy day ideas

Weekends and school holidays spent without a chance to get out to the park can begin to take their toll, even on teenagers. So here are five great ideas for things to do in rotten weather.

5 Rainy Day options

1. Get decorating. Changing things around can give your kids a real lift. Something ‘big’ like painting one wall a fun colour of your child’s choice can cause great excitement. Or go for wall stickers, and let your child’s imagination run free…

2. Lux bath time. Kids love a warm deep bath just as we do. Treat them to an extra swig of bath foam. For younger ones add bath crayons, for over 5s challenge them to get tiddly winks into a bowl over the side of the bath, for older children let them choose their own soaps and oils from your dressing table.

3. Learn card tricks. Most homes have an old book or box of magic tricks hanging around. Or search for ideas online. You can all have a go at mastering the art then try your skills out on school friends or workmates the next day.

4. Cook up a storm. Task your kids with dreaming up their favourite dishes and helping prepare them. Instead of limiting their choices, allow them to really get stuck in, making quite a few different dishes for a ‘banquet’. Invite over a few friends for an impromptu gathering.

5. Have a clear out. Challenge your kids to raise a few pennies secondhand by sorting their bedroom clutter – for some savvy tips, don’t miss Dan Wilson’s expert advice in our article, Beginner’s guide to eBay.

Savvy tip

Instead of looking at dinosaur bones or the same scientific wonders for the umpteenth time, challenge yourself to find something weird enough that even your older children will want to venture out. Search for museums near to you at www.museums.co.uk.

Pass it on – be full of ideas
Don’t forget the Savvy Guide to Keeping the Kids Entertained, for active and chilled ideas inside or out.