How to motivate yourself to exercise every day?


Keep your motivation - and your cool - when things heat up with our advice on how to stick to your fitness routine.

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The benefits of exercise go far beyond what it can do for our bodies. Feeding our energy levels, it can also raise self-esteem, boost the immune system, stimulate the brain and lift anxiety. If daily life gets in the way of your quality time for working out, it’s time to get creative and find new ways to work that body.

1. Enjoy workout 

Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But it’s amazing how many of us end up slogging away on a treadmill staring at a blank wall, or doing the same old class despite the fact that we don’t really like it that much.

There are about a gazillion different ways of keeping fit, from Zumba, to martial arts, to rock climbing, so why not experiment until you find something you love?

Extra tip:

If you want to stay fit in summer by exercising outdoors, avoid doing it around midday, when the sun is at its hottest. This can make exercise so much harder, plus you’re in danger of dehydrating and overheating.

Instead, an early morning yoga session in the garden will set you up for the day, then do your outdoor workout of choice any time after 4pm.

If you’re worried about doing yoga  session during your period, then Tampax is here for you. Or if your concerns are due to a weak bladder, try wearing an Always Discreet liner, pad or underwear. The underwear comes with double LeakGuards™ for added protection, while the pads and liners have a thin, flexible design for light to moderate protection.

2. Exercise with friend!

Exercise with a friend or your other half and you’re more likely to drag yourself off the couch because you don’t want to let someone else down. Plus, it makes your workout a good chance to catch-up (you won’t be out of breath the whole time!).

Don’t forget that exercise can be a family affair too. Get the kids involved and you’ve got a sure-fire recipe for fun as well as fitness.

3. How to get sweat smell out of clothes?

Getting hot and sweaty usually comes with the inevitable unpleasant smells, which can be enough to put you off a workout.

However, Lenor Unstoppables Active in-wash laundry scent booster has been designed to infuse scent into fabrics without impacting their breathability (unlike some traditional fabric conditioners). This allows you to have long-lasting freshness on your sports clothes without impacting the clothing performance. The touch activated perfume technology releases perfume when you move, meaning unstoppable freshness is released when you need it most – when you exercise!

4. How to be more active throughout the day?

How often have you let your exercise routine slip because you’re too busy? But everyone can squeeze in some exercise even if they can’t get to the gym. For example, how about ditching the car for short journeys and walking or cycling instead? You can also take the stairs instead of the lift, or do a few crunches and press ups in front of the TV.
It’s all about fitting in little bursts of physical activity wherever you can.

5. Rediscover playtime while doing workout

You only have to watch kids running around the place to see that if you’re having enough fun, you don’t even realise you’re doing something good for you!

Loved volleyball in high school? Why not join a local team now? Always wanted to learn tennis? Book up those lessons. Or, even better, run around in the garden with your kids! They’ll love spending the time with you, and you’ll set a great example to encourage them to be active outdoors, too.

Copying the kids and tearing around outside is a great way to stay fit. Join them for a game of football or rounders, or even just clambering up trees and swinging from monkey bars – running, skipping and jumping as you go.

Their boundless energy is inspiring, and you’ll be so busy having fun, you won’t even realize you’re sorting your fitness until you’re out of breath!

6. How to reward yourself after a workout?

Setting yourself fitness goals and rewarding yourself when you smash them is a great way to keep motivated (and, no, we’re not talking about a family-sized bar of chocolate here!).

How about treating yourself to some nice new workout gear, for example? (And don’t forget to wash it with Unstoppables!) Or how about easing your aching body into a hot bubble bath? Go on, you deserve it.

Have you tried Lenor Unstoppables Active? Let us know your thoughts by clicking here.